In part two of this series, The Unbrokenstring Crew converted this instrument to a Tune-O-Matic bridge with a Bigsby tremolo. Now The Unbrokenstring Crew will add a cut-out switch to this instrument.

Matt has specified this exact spot where he wants the cut-out switch installed. The sharp point of an Exacto knife marks the exact center of the hole where the new switch will reside. Because that’s why they call it an Exacto knife.

We need to remove the pick guard, so off come the strings. Again.

This nylon washer is used in the Bigsby system to, among other things, set the working height of the lever. Keep track of this!

A pilot hole is bored where the Exacto knife made the mark seen earlier.

The copper foil around the new switch hole is cleaned. We are now ready to install the new switch.

The resistor is installed across the contacts to limit the audible ‘pop’ that you sometimes hear when switching low-level circuits, like the circuits found in guitars.

Step Three is complete. This switch is not a push button, but is a spring-loaded momentary, center-off switch. Matt can quickly flick it from side to side for a very cool effect.
But wait! There’s more! In the last installment of this project, the cheap Chinese plastic nut has cracked. Tune in to see how The Unbrokenstring Crew upgrades the nut. Like A Boss.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom!
CONTACT – David Latchaw EE